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Edición base

Tasker Grimbert
99-102, núm. 10


190v–191r (198v–199r foliación antigua)

Otras ediciones y estudios

vol. 41, 347
vol. 2, 202
Referencia bibliográfica
vol. 3, nº 203


Amis, ki est li muelz vaillans:
Ou cil ki gist toute la nuit
Aveuc s’amie a grant desduit
Et sans faire tot son talent,
Ou cil ki tost vient et tost prent
Et quant il ait fait, si s’en fuit,
Ne jue pais a remenant,
Ains keut la flor et lait le fruit?


Dame, ceu ke mes cuers en sent
Vos dirai, maix ne vos anuit:
Del faire viennent li desduit
Et ki lou fait tan soulement
Partir s’en puet ligierement;
Car tuit li autre fait sont vuit
S’on ne·l fait aprés ou davant;
Dont valt muelz li faires, je cuit.


Amis, muelz valt li acoleirs
Et li jüers et li joïrs,
Li desduires et li sentirs,
Li proiers et li esgardeirs
Que li faires et puis aleirs,
S’a faire n’est li grans loixirs;
Car trop est doulz li demorers
Et trop est griés li departirs.


Dame, moult est boens li jueirs
Et li baixiers et li gesirs,
Li desduires et li sentirs,
Li proiers et li esgardeirs;
Sans lou faire c’est li tueirs,
C’est la racine des sospirs
Et ceu k’en amors est ameirs;
Dont valt muelz faire et li foirs.


Amis, ne tieng pais a amor
Lou tost faire ne tost aleir:
Teille amor ne fait a amer,
Car elle n’ait poent de savor.
Maix cil n’ait pais moult grant dolor
Ke puet a loisir acolleir,
Et baissier ait joie grignor.
En teil amor fait sen entreir.


Dame, onc ne vi guerir nul jor,
Por soi deleis s’amie esteir,
Nullui ki fust navreis d’ameir,
S’on ne li fist aucun boen tor.
Teil amor semble feu en for
Ke ne s’en ait par ou aleir,
Mais enclos ait si grant chalor
C’on ne le puet desalumeir.


Amis, or oeis ke je di:
Quant la bouche et li eul se paist
De la chose c’a cuer li plaist,
Dont n’en ist li feus par ici?
- Dame, je ne di pais ensi,
Maix quant li eulz plux se refait,
Dont trait Amors a cuer son vis
Ke par loial cuer son dairt trait.


Dame, por Deu, or escouteis:
Li jeus et li gais et li ris
Averont maint home mal mis
Ke li faires ait repaisseis;
Dont valt muelz li faires aisseis,
Tesmoing de Gautier de Pontis,
C’an amor s’an est acordeis.
Or finons la kerelle ci.

    Friend, who is more worthy,
    The man who lies all night
    With his beloved in great delight,
    Yet without accomplishing his desire,
    Or the one who arrives quickly and takes quickly,
    And when he is done hastens off,
    For he does not play for keeps,
    But rather picks the flower and leaves the fruit?

    — Lady, what my heart feels about this
    I will tell you, if you do not mind:
    Pleasure comes from doing it,
    And he who does it until satiated
    Can leave without regret,
    For all other acts are vain
    If one does not do it sooner or later.
    Therefore, doing it is preferable, I think.

    — Friend, preferable are embracing
    And playing and enjoying,
    Taking pleasure and caressing,
    Imploring and gazing
    To doing it and then leaving,
    If doing it is not leisurely;
    For lingering is so sweet,
    And parting is so dolorous.

    — Lady, it is very enjoyable to play
    And kiss and lie side by side,
    To take pleasure and caress,
    To implore and gaze;
    But to abstain from doing it is murder:
    It is the root of all sighs
    And of all that is bitter in love.
    Therefore, it is preferable to do it and flee.

    — Friend, I do not regard it as love
    To do it hurriedly and hasten off:
    Such love is not desirable,
    For it has no zest.
    But he who can embrace at leisure
    Does not feel much pain,
    And kissing brings him even greater joy.
    It makes sense to partake in such a love.

    — Lady, I have never seen anyone heal
    By staying near his beloved
    When he has been wounded by love,
    Unless she granted him a good turn.
    Such love resembles fire in an oven
    That cannot find vent,
    But which contains such heat
    That one cannot extinguish it.

    — Friend, heed my words:
    When the mouth and eyes feast
    On the very thing that pleases the heart,
    Is the fire not thereby vented?
    — Lady, that is not what I am saying;
    Rather, when the eye is most satisfied,
    Then Love takes aim at the heart
    And shoots her arrow into the loyal heart.

    — Lady, for God’s sake, listen to me:
    Play and gaiety and smiles
    Have mistreated many a man
    Who would have been restored by doing it.
    It is therefore much preferable to do it;
    Witness Gautier of Pontis,
    For he has come into accord with Love.
    Now let us end the dispute here.


    (Doss-Quimby, Trasker Grimbert, Pfeffer, Aubrey, Songs of the women Trouvères)

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