Basic information

Linker 242,3
Genre | Form
Coblas unissonans
a b a b c b b d b b
Metrical structure
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Base edition

Tasker Grimbert
92-94, núm. 7


181v–182r (189v–190r foliación antigua)

Other editions and studies

vol. 2, 245


Douce dame, volantiers
Saroie, s’il vos plaixoit,
Lou keil miex vos ameriés,
Se estre lou covenoit:
Ou chivaillier orguillous,
Qui a chascuns choseroit
Ne nul desdut ne vorroit,
Ou un autre, mesdixant,
Qui toz jors rioteroit
Ne gracious ne seroit.


Rolan, je n’an sai jugier,
Ke bone dame n’ait droit
K’elle se doie acointier
A chivaillier de teil ploit;
Et se panre l’un des .ij.
Me couvenoit orandroit,
Li orguillous m’averoit.
Ja n’amerai mon vivant
Mesdisans, nuns ne les doit;
Chascun fuïr les devroit.


Dame, j'an voil desrainier
Contre vous, comant qu’il soit.
Vous aveis pris lou mestier
Ke toz li mons haïr doit:
Orgoilz est pires de tous.
Mesdisans bien s’aparsoit,
Mais orguillous ne poroit.
Toz jors li est au devant
Despis, qu’il ne sofferoit
Qu’il paiast Amours nul droit.


Rolan, j'ainme chivaillier
Que por riens ne mesdiroit.
Je vuel l’orguilloz, lou fier,
Qui nul desdut n’averoit.
Orguillous doit estre prous.
Amors, s’i ci ambatoit,
Toz malz laissier li feroit.
Mais langue de mesdisant
Ocist proudome et dessoit,
Et fait de l’anver lou droit.


Dame, orguillous ne tient chier
Home qui antor lui soit:
Choser vuelt et despitier.
Sa nature lou desoit.
Orguillous est covoitoz,
Li pires visces qui soit:
Li uns de l’autre consoit.
Teilz mesdit qui s’an repant
Aprés, cant il s’aparsoit;
Mais orgoilz ploier ne doit.


Rollans, ne poiez noier
Mesdixans pires ne soit:
Mesdixans et losangiers
Ont mis lou monde a destroit.
Coumant seroit amerous
Cuers que teil home vairoit,
Qui toz jors rioteroit,
Mal gracious, mal plaisant?
Qui an jugeroit a droit,
Chascuns haïr les devroit.

    Dear lady, I would gladly
    Learn, if it pleased you,
    Which you would choose,
    If you had to:
    Either an arrogant knight,
    Who would insult everyone
    And would not wish for any pleasure,
    Or another, a slanderer,
    Who would quarrel always,
    And would not be gracious.

    — Rolant, I do not know how to judge,
    For a worthy lady would not be in the right
    If she were to have a relationship with
    A knight who acted thusly;
    But if one of these two
    I had to choose now,
    The arrogant knight would have me.
    Never in my life will I love
    Slanderers; no one should.
    Everyone should shun them.

    — Lady, I want to plead
    Against you, come what may.
    You have chosen the attribute
    That everyone should hate:
    Arrogance is the worst vice of all.
    A slanderer could well amend,
    But an arrogant man could not.
    Fear of humiliation is always before him,
    Such that he would not tolerate
    Paying any tribute to Love.

    — Rolant, I like a knight
    Who under no circumstance would slander.
    I want the arrogant knight, the proud one,
    The one who would have no pleasure.
    An arrogant man must be valiant.
    Love, if it penetrated his heart,
    Would make him renounce all evil.
    But a slanderer’s tongue
    Can kill a man of worth and deceive him,
    And turn everything topsy-turvy.

    — Lady, a proud man does not hold dear
    Anyone around him;
    He wants to insult and to scorn.
    His nature betrays him.
    An arrogant man is covetous,
    Which is the worst vice of all:
    One is engendered by the other.
    Someone can slander, then regret it
    When he realizes what he has done,
    But pride must not yield.

    — Rolant, you cannot deny
    That a slanderer is worse:
    Slanderers and gossip-mongers
    Have subverted everything.
    How could a heart fall in love
    Upon seeing such a man,
    Who would always be quarreling,
    Ungracious, unpleasant?
    To judge rightly,
    Everyone should hate such men.


    (Doss-Quimby, Trasker Grimbert, Pfeffer, Aubrey, Songs of the women Trouvères)

