Basic information

BEdT 234,008
Genre | Form
Coblas doblas
Coblas singulars
a b a b c c d d
Metrical structure
11' 11' 11' 11' 7 7 7 7
Additional information

Cinco coblas y dos tornadas de cuatro versos.

On-line editions



Atribuido a Peire Duran

Other editions and studies


G. de Sant Desdier


D'una don'ai auzit dir que s'es clamada
del marit, e sai vos dir de qual rancura:
qu'anc no lo·y mes mays de mieg, pus li fon dada,
e del sobreplus volri'a ver drechura,
que la perdoa e·l dan
li mendes tot d'er enan
del sobreplus qu'en rete
e no·lh fezes tort en re.


E·l maritz li respondet si cum l'agrada
e dis li cum lo li a mes per mezura:
maior l'a que negus hom de s'encontrada,
qu'esser en poiria ben de mort segura
si non l'anava palpan
qu'a dezmezura l'a gran
qu'aucir la·n poiria be
si no·n avia merce.


«Senhors, so que l'auzetz dir es guabairia,
qu'ieu no cre que mos maritz n'aya sobreira,
que ges no·n a la meitat qu'el ditz que sia
- la sofrach'ai ieu sentid'e la necieira;
qu'el ditz qu'auciria m'en,
mas ieu no·n ai espaven,
qu'ieu sai ben qu'el n'a petit
e d'aquel eys m'a mentit».


«Molher, ben avetz talan de la folhia,
e degratz vo·n castiar ab la premeira
qu'ieu aucis que non ac autra malautia
- e vos volriatz murir d'aital manieira!
S'ieu non agues tan de sen
que n'ai avut chauzimen
trop a que for'yssernit
de vos cuy no m'es grazit».


«Maritz, del dan vos fas mi bona patz faire:
si o faitz ab aisselui qu'ieu non aus dire
e veramen faitz cridar, quilar ni braire,
per iustiziar mi ren o per aucire.
Ans vo·n rendrai bachalier
quez es feritz e non fier,
e plai li quant es feritz,
e ia no·n er meynhs arditz».


«Molher, pus per messorguier
- si no·l vos met tot entier -
mi tenetz, ben suy trahitz
pueys n'issira l'esperitz».


«Maritz, ia parssa no·n quier
del valeyssent d'un denier,
que motz guaps avem auzitz
que no·y eron mas los critz».

    I heard that a lady complained
    about her husband, and I can tell you about her grievance
    he never put it in more than half way, when she gave herself to him,
    and she insisted on her right to the rest of it.
    The loss and the harm
    he could rectify in future
    if he gave the bit he held back
    and did not wrong her in any way.


    And the husband replied to her as it suited him
    and told her how he had given it to her in moderation:
    he has a bigger one than any man he had met,
    with the result that she could be doomed
    if he did not hold back,
    for he has one so exceedingly large
    that he could easily kill her with it
    if he had no compassion for her.


    "Sir, what you heard him say is boastful,
    for I do not believe my husband has such a large one;
    rather, he has half of what he says
    for I have felt a lack and an inadequacy.
    When he says that he might kill me with it,
    I am not afraid,
    for I know that he has a small one,
    and he has lied about it."


    "Wife, you are inclined to madness,
    and you should stand corrected from the start
    that I destroy the one who has had no other malady
    and you would want to die in such a way!
    If I had not had such sense
    to show consideration,
    it would have been all up for you long since
    - but I receive no thanks from you"


    "Husband, you can keep me quiet about the shame
    if you do it with that which I dare not name
    and truly make me cry out, scream, and yell
    by controlling my thing or killing it.
    Indeed, I will make you into a young man
    who is struck but who does not strike back,
    and who is pleased when he is struck,
    and, indeed, will not be less daring."


    "Wife, since you take me for a liar
    - if I don't give it all to you -
    I am deprived,
    as you will be done for."


    "Husband, I don't want abstention,
    which is worthless,
    for we have heard much boasting,
    which was nothing more than empty words."


    (Nappholz, Unsung women)

