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Género | Forma
a b a b b a b b b b
a a a a b b c c b b b
Estructura métrica
7' 7 7' 7 7 7' 7 13 7 13
9 7 7 7 7 7 3 6 10 6 11


Je ne quier mais a ma vie
Soulete le bois passer,
Car mes amis n’i est mie,
Qui tant mi souloit amer
Et servir et honourer;
Dieus! si n’i pourroie mie
Longuement sans li durer.
Eimi, Dieus, lasse!
De li me vient trop grief pansé,
Si ai tres bien esprové
Que la riens qui plus me grieve,
C’est li mal d’amer.


Dieus! trop mal mi pert que j’aie amé,
Quant parmi le bois ramé
Mon ami n’ai encontré,
Qui m’avoit ci ajourné.
Eynmi, Dieus! li mals d’amer
Peinne mi fait endurer
Ci tout droit
La ou je tieng mon doit;
Lasse! de li mi vient
Trop grief pansser;
Bien me doit peser
Quant il mi couvient
Soulete le bois passer.


Tenor: MISIT

    Never again do I wish
    To walk through the woods all alone,
    For my lover is not there,
    He who once so loved
    And served and honored me.
    God! I could not
    Survive for long without him.
    God, wretched me!
    He is the source of such bitter sadness;
    I know full well
    That what torments me most
    Is the pain of love.


    God! I have loved so foolishly, it seems to me,
    Since in the lush woods
    I have not met with my lover,
    Who had summoned me here.
    Alas, God! The pain of love
    Makes me suffer anguish
    Right here,
    Where I am pointing my finger.
    Alas! He is the source
    Of such bitter sadness;
    It should indeed distress me
    That I must
    Walk through the woods all alone.




    (Doss-Quimby, Trasker Grimbert, Pfeffer, Aubrey, Songs of the women Trouvères)


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