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Coblas unissonans
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7 coblas unissonans

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Cobla I-V


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Auzir cugei lo chant e·l crit e·l glat
que fan l'auzel, qan son vert li plaissat.
Aital fer'eu, mas per sa voluntat
ma Domna·m dis car de lleis cambiat,
quar anc creziei moiller de son vezin.
Ja Dieus non sal don Rainier l'afillat,
s'anc l'en menti, pois fo en s'amistat.
Enanz l'am mais que peis en romanin.


Seingner, son nas volri'agues taillat
qui vos a dig que·us aia enantat;
c'aissi fos solt' e monda de peccat
con sui de cel, de cui es adalbat,
si tot port'arc e coutel barbarin.
Pens e repens e quant n'ai ben pensat
puosca saber don si'espermentat
mas, sa putan color de Sarrazin.


Domna, tostemps vos aurai castiat,
non disesses follia ni viutat.
Aqest'es ric'e de gran parentat
et a marrit bon vassal estrunat,
qu'eu li ai vist caval outramarin;
et es saubut en feir'o en mercat:
genser de lleis non debana fillat,
e met vos i Cavelc e Venaissin.


Seingner, per Dieu, be n'ai mon cor irat,
quar a·l sieu ling contra·l mieu azesmat,
qu'eu sui plus ric'e de maior barnat
et ai trop mais de lan'o de fillat
e pois ai bon cavallier a pairin;
e no·s tengatz ges a regastenat,
que·us ai cubert en lansol bugadat,
que era totz ces estandier de lin.


Domna, ben sai qu'us er guizardonat
que non es mes en bassac pertussat.
Si malgoires m'aguesson aiudat,
espeil n'agues e bon conrei pinsat
e quabeillier ab que·us tengessa crin.
Pois disseran tuit li plus envezat:
«Quals es aquist?» qant vos vengras d'orat.
Ben vos plevisc, bella, m'est sobrefin.


Seingner, tostemps ai dig en mon orat
que venguesses quant er escudelat.
Qu'eu er'ensencha, c'avi'encargat;
quant enpugiei sus el bari merlat
et en cazic malaut'en un coizin,
e conuc ben con n'avias peccat
e fui dolent'ab vos. Per amistat
aqui mezeis fis vos en bona fin.


Domna, ben fon saubut et azalbat
lo luns mati com fes la caritat,
quant portes guans e borsa de sendat,
a las meillors aguest lor pretz baissat,
que tot un iorn n'esteron al latin.
Si fossetz lai, on vos fon destinat,
foratz al bois part Sancta-Trinitat,
al port de Sorc, en terra de Sanguin.

    I thought I heard the song, the cry, and the twittering
    that birds make, when the hedgerows are green.
    I do likewise: but through her good will
    my lady told me that I have changed towards her,
    since once I obeyed the wife of her neighbor.
    May God never save the stepson of Lord Rainier
    if ever I lied, since I did it for love of her.
    Rather I love her more than fish in rosemary.


    Sir, I wish you had cut off the nose of the one
    who told you that I had dishonored you
    so that I might be pure and free of sin
    as I am, and he is washed clean
    even though he carries a bow and barbarian's knife.
    I brood and I ponder, and when I have thought
    I might know what she is most knowledgeable in;
    his whore with the complexion of a Saracen.


    Lady, I have always chastized you:
    you should not say such foolish, vulgar things.
    That lady is rich and of good parentage,
    and she married a good, fierce knight.
    I saw his horse from over the sea,
    and he is known at the fair and in the market.
    No-one winds thread better than her,
    and I stake you Cavaillon and Venaissin on it.


    Sir, thank God, my heart is very upset
    since her lineage has been compared to mine,
    for I am nobler and of higher rank
    and I have a lot more wool and cloth;
    and also I have a good knight as a godfather.
    Thus you have no reason to feel neglected
    for I have covered you with a laundered sheet
    made entirely of linen.


    Lady, I well know that he will be indebted to you
    who is no longer in a bag full of holes.
    Yet some of Maugio's coins might have helped me;
    you would have a mirror and good elegant merchandise,
    and a hairband, so that you might tie back your hair.
    Then all the most happy would say:
    "What is this?" when you come with honor;
    Indeed, I pledge myself to you, beautiful lady.


    Sir, l have always prayed
    that you might come when the bowl is empty,
    for I was pregnant and had conceived
    when I climbed upon the rampart furnished with battlements,
    and from there fell sick on a pillow.
    I indeed knew that you had sinned,
    and I was angry with you. Through friendship
    this matter has ended well for you.


    Lady, it was very well understood and obvious
    on the Monday morning when you did your charitable works,
    when you wore gloves and carried a silk purse,
    you lowered the prestige of the best people,
    and for a whole day they were in prayer.
    If you were there, where you were meant to be,
    you would he at the boxwood beyond Saint-Trinidad,
    at the port of Sorgues, in the land of blood.


    (Nappholz, Unsung women)


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