Basic information

Linker 265,117
Genre | Form
Chanson pieuse
Coblas unissonans
a a a b B B
Metrical structure
8 8 8 8 8 8


Amours, u trop tart me sui pris,
M’a par sa signourie apris,
Douce dame de paradys,
Ke de vous voeill un cant canter:
Pour la joie ki puet durer
Vous doit on servir et amer.


Et pour çou ke nus n’a mespris
Tant vers vo fill n’en fais n’en dis,
S’il s’est en vo service mis,
Ke vous ne·l faciés racorder:
Pour la joie ki puet durer
Vous doit on servir et amer.


Virge roïne, flours de lis,
Com li hom a de ses delis
Ki de vous amer est espris,
Nus hom ne·l saroit reconter:
Pour le joie ki puet durer
[Vous doit on servir et amer].


Mout fu li vaissiaus bien eslis,
Douce dame, u Sains Espris
Fu .ix. mois tous entiers nouris:
Ce fu vos cuers, dame sans per;
Pour la joie ki puet durer
Vous doit on servir et amer.

    Love, to which I have been drawn so late,
    Has instructed me by its nobility,
    Dear lady of paradise,
    To wish to sing a song of you:
    For everlasting joy
    It is you one should serve and love.

    For there is no one who has erred
    Toward your son, however greatly, in word or deed—
    Provided he has turned to serving you—
    Whom you would not reconcile with Him:
    For everlasting joy
    It is you one should serve and love.

    Virgin queen, lily flower,
    The great delight one feels
    When enflamed with love for you,
    No one could recount:
    For everlasting joy
    It is you one should serve and love.

    The vessel was indeed well chosen,
    Dear lady, in which the Holy Spirit
    Was nourished for nine full months:
    It was your heart, peerless lady;
    For everlasting joy
    It is you one should serve and love.


    (Doss-Quimby, Trasker Grimbert, Pfeffer, Aubrey, Songs of the women Trouvères)